Wessex Tales

Wessex Tales is an 1888 collection of tales written by Thomas Hardy, many of which are set before Hardy's birth in 1840.

Through them, Thomas Hardy talks about nineteenth century marriage, grammar, class status, how men and women were viewed, medical diseases and more.



In 1888, Wessex Tales contained only five stories ('The Three Strangers', 'The Withered Arm', 'Fellow-Townsmen', 'Interlopers at the Knap', and 'The Distracted Preacher') all published first in periodicals.

For the 1896 reprinting, Hardy added "An Imaginative Woman," but in 1912 moved this to another collection, Life's Little Ironies, while at the same time transferring two stories – "A Tradition of Eighteen Hundred and Four" and "The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion" – from Life's Little Ironies to Wessex Tales.[1]

TV and Film Adaptations

Six of the short stories were adapted as television dramas by the BBC as the anthology series called Wessex Tales:

External links


  1. ^ http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9781405145374_chunk_g978140514537412
  2. ^ The Internet Movie Database claims Davis is uncredited; this is an error.